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a little girl looking up from a book she was reading.

Who assists communities when social systems fail to help our youth achieve educational and economic equality?

We are a 501(3)(c) Nonprofit that facilitates community participation workshops to research, develop, implement and evaluate innovative support systems that lead to upward economic mobility. 

The Challenge is Multidimensional


Historically, the federal government's Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933 amplified racial inequity for African-American & Latinx families by creating "SEPARATE and UNEQUAL" neighborhoods.

Issues include...

  • Underfunded public schools

  • Lack of mental health and medical resources

  • Food and home insecurity that destabilizes learning

  • Sparse or no digital connectivity

  • Parents or guardians ill-equipped to tutor students

  • To name a few

Unfortunately, there is no one solution for all issues that applies to all families

A Solution
What if there is a way to find unique solutions for each community?

We find innovative solutions to fill the gaps between communities' resources and families' needs 

Community-Driven Social Innovation (CDSI) Approach 

Empowers communities by organizing their collective ingenuity

We develop and deploy community leaders who collaborate with communities, stakeholders, and experts. Together they design, implement, and scale bottom-up, win-win solutions to communities' problems


About Us

"It takes a village to raise a child" 

The Social Innovators for Americans Association (SIAA) is a coalition of researchers, designers, social entrepreneurs, and community organizers resolving social issues. We use Community-Driven Social Innovation (CDSI) to listen to communities, co-design solutions, and increase adoption of solutions by families.  Collective wisdom and community unity is the key to overcoming the systemic social problems that impede economic mobility.

Unlike traditional charitable nonprofits, SIAA takes a strategic approach and brings the best minds to work with communities on the interrelated causes of social issues.

Our Programs

Community-Driven Social Innovation (CDSI) Projects

America's social challenges are complex and involve multiple, diverse people with different interests and they use social systems with various interdependencies. Social Innovation is the best approach to solve these types of social problems. SIAA uses its Community-Driven Social Innovation (CDSI) approach to find solutions that satisfy multiple stakeholders' competing interests. We use this community-centric, social design approach to address interactive social issues by partnering with community leaders.

Young People at a Workshop

Community Leadership Academy for Social Innovation (CLASI)

Many teens and young adults are frustrated by the inaction of their parents' generation.  That is why SIAA gives them the skills to take control of their situations. The program certifies regional cohorts of community leaders in Social Innovation Facilitation or Social Innovation Management. We develop Emerging Community Leaders using our CDSI curriculum. The members gain transferable skills and a path to careers in the social sector while helping families find solutions to empower their children with skills, resources, and resilience to escape the effects of social inequality.

Our Services
Service 1

Community & Constituent Research 

Higher stakeholder satisfaction on community-wide projects by researching the interests of the community, constituents, and stakeholders 

Service 2

Social Design Hackathons

Greater acceptance and adoption of community-wide projects by co-designing community-centric innovations that achieve mutual benefits for stakeholders

Service 3

Social Impact Management

Superior public good, goodwill, or reputation by increasing value to communities, stakeholders, and stockholders through continually improving the services to maximize benefit while minimizing costs

Service 4

Social Innovation Training

Increased effective, efficient, sustainable solutions for society by learning  community leadership with social innovation skills 

You  Can Make a Difference 
Call To Action


Social Innovators


Business Givers


Your Services


Our Support



Your donations go to delivering the programs that help communities and give training fellowships to at-risk teens and young adults dedicated to supporting their communities


Give to build the Next Generation of community leaders wanting to alleviate the pain of generational poverty. Your donation gives them transferable skills that help children trapped in poverty. Our low-income community leaders learn in our social design and innovation lab. 


Founded by The People's Solution Architect 

Dr. J. Coleman, Ph.D.

"Together We Do Better"

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11110 Sunset Hills Road,

Unit 8721
Reston, VA 20190

Tel: (703) 651-2922

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© 2021 by Social Innovators for Americans Assoc. created with

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